Block unwanted messages.

The silence command allows you to block all messages from a specific user in channels and private if you do not wish to see their comments.

Usage Description
/SILENCE +nick!user@host Adds the nick!user@host mask to the silence list.
/SILENCE -nick!user@host Removes the nick!user@host mask from the silence list.
/SILENCE +nick Adds the nickname to the silence list.
/SILENCE -nick Removes the nickname from the silence list.
/SILENCE Shows all entries on the silence list.


Prepending a tilde, "~", to the the mask or nickname will cause the entry to act as an exception. That is, you will always see messages from users matching that mask or nickname. This allows you to set broader silences, and then add exceptions for those you'd like to see messages from.

Example: /SILENCE +~nick!user@host

Account silences

To silence a user based on their account, use the special *!*@accountname.* mask. This has the advantage of matching users logged into the specified account regardless of whatever their host may be or the nickname they may be using.

Example: /SILENCE +*!*@johndoe.*

Saving your silence list

By default, your silence list will be deleted when you disconnect from the network. You can have N maintain your silence list for you, and automatically re-add your entries when you authenticate or add them to your N ignore list. See /msg N HELP ADDIGNORE on IRC.

Should you still need assistance, stop by #Help on IRC.